Nicolás García coordinates a European project about multimodal interfaces ot assist disabled people

International, Projects, Research

30 marzo 2015

03-02-15-proyecto-europeoDr. Nicolás García, profesor of the Biomedical Neuroengineeirng Group, coordinates a European research project entitled “AIDE – Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces to Assist Disabled People in Daily Activities». The goal of this study is to contribute to develop improvements in the user-technology multimodal interface, with modularity and adaptability to diabled people. The budget of the project is 3,4 million euros, and it is composed of 9  institutions and companies from Italy, Germany, United Kingdom and Spain.

The project is financed by tje Horizon 2020 european program, and will be developed for three years.

In addition to Prof. García, the UMH team includes Prof. Eduardo Fernández and Prof. José María Sabater, from the UMH Biomedical Neuroengineeirng Group
